Governance — By the Numbers
0 female directors and 5 ethnically diverse directors
0 guiding ethical principles
0 + training course completions in thousands on Cummins Code of Business Conduct in 2020
0 of our 13 board members are independent
Governance Accountability and Transparency

Ethics: A longstanding tradition
Cummins’ sustainability is built on a foundation of ethical behavior going back to its founding more than 100 years ago. The company’s governance principles today are consistent with that tradition and Cummins’ vision, mission and values. The company has long been recognized as a leader in business ethics.

Human Rights
A key priority at Cummins
While human rights have long been a major component of Cummins’ Code of Business Conduct, the company decided to adopt a separate human rights policy in early 2018. It specifically addresses human trafficking, child labor, forced labor and indentured labor, and lays out in detail Cummins’ commitment to treating all people with dignity and respect.

Governance Documents
We're all accountable
Effective governance needs a mechanism to ensure ethical codes are enforced. Employees at all levels of Cummins are empowered to help identify possible violations of the Cummins Code of Business Conduct, enabled by the Cummins Ethics Help Line. Where maintaining ethics is concerned, everyone at Cummins is part of the solution. Explore public Governance documents on our Investor Relations site.
Cummins in Action